List of Journals – Materials and Structures
Stable configurations of graphene on silicon, Javvaji, B., Shenoy, B. M., Mahapatra, D. R., Ravikumar, A., Hegde, G. M., & Rizwan, M. R., Applied Surface Science 414 (2017): 25-33, Available online 19 April 2017, DOI :
A. Purwar, D. R. Mahapatra, Design of Thermal Barrier coating system for Scramjet using Coupled Thermo-Structural Analysis, Transactions of Indian Ceramic Society, 2016, DOI :
Growth of Zinc Oxide Nanorod Structures: Pressure Controlled Hydrothermal Process and Growth Mechanism, R. Vasireddi, B. Javvaji, H. Vardhan, D. R. Mahapatra and G.M. Hegde, Journal of Materials Science, (2017) 52: 2007, DOI : 10.1007/s10853-016-0489-0.
Risedronate/zinc-hydroxyapatite based nanomedicine for osteoporosis, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Choudhary Disha, Ramakrishna Vasireddi, Rema Razdan, D Roy Mahapatra, Materials Science and Engineering :C 63, 78-87 (2016), DOI : doi:10.1016/j.msec.2016.02.062.
Stabilization of the high-temperature and high-pressure cubic phase of ZnO by temperature-controlled milling, CS. Tiwary, D Vishnu, AK Kole, J Brahmanandam, DR Mahapatra, P Kumbhakar and K. Chattopadhyay, Journal of Materials Scence 1, (2015), DOI : doi: 10.1007/s10853-015-9394-1.
Mechanical properties of CNT-Bisphenol E cyanate ester-based CFRP nanocomposite developed through VARTM process, S Rao, K Renji, MR Bhat, DR Mahapatra, GN Naik, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2015, DOI : doi: 10.1177/0731684415585382.
Chemical-free graphene by unzipping carbon nanotubes using cryo-milling, CS Tiwary, B Javvaji, C Kumar, DR Mahapatra, S Ozden, PM Ajayan, K Chattopadhyay, Carbon,2015,89,217-224, DOI : doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2015.03.036.
Development, in vitro and in vivo characterization of zoledronic acid functionalized hydroxyapatite nanoparticle based formulation for treatment of osteoporosis in animal model, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Rema Razdan, Debiprosad Roy Mahapatra, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2015, 66, 173-183, DOI : doi:10.1016/j.ejps.2014.10.015.
Additive effects of zoledronic acid and propranolol on bone density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in osteopenic ovariectomized rats, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Rema Razdan, D Roy Mahapatra, Brazilian Journal of Rheumatology, 2015, 55(2), 103-112,DOI : doi:10.1016/j.rbre.2014.09.008.
Effect of combined treatment with zoledronic acid and propranolol on mechanical strength in an rat model of disuse osteoporosis, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Rema Razdan, Debiprosad Roy Mahapatra, Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (English Edition) 55.6 (2015): 501-511, DOI :
Additive effect of zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol in the treatment of disuse osteoporosis in rats, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Choudhary Disha, Rema Razdan, D Roy Mahapatra,Brazilian Journal of Rheumatology, 2014, 55(3), 240-250, DOI :
Zoledronic acid in combination with alfacalcidol has additive effects on trabecular microarchitecture and mechanical properties in osteopenic ovariectomized rats, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Rema Razdan, Debiprosad Roy Mahapatra, Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 2014, 19, 646-656.
Prophylactic Effects of Propranolol versus the Standard Therapy on a New Model of Disuse Osteoporosis in Rats, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Choudhary Disha, Rema Razdan, D Roy Mahapatra, Ramakrishna Vasireddi, Scientia pharmaceutica, 2014, 82, 357.
Length-scale dependent mechanical properties of Al-Cu eutectic alloy: Molecular dynamics based model and its experimental verification, C.S. Tiwary, S. Chakraborty, D.R. Mahapatra and K. Chattopadhyay, Journal of Applied Physics, 115(20), 2014, 203502.
The Combination Therapy with Zoledronic Acid and Propranolol Improves the Trabecular Microarchitecture and Mechanical Property in an Rat Model of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, Deepak kumar Khajuria, Rema Razdan, D. Roy Mahapatra, Journal of Osteoporosis, 2014, 2014 (2014), Article ID 586431, 10.
Zoledronic acid in combination with alfacalcidol has additive effects on trabecular microarchitecture and mechanical properties in osteopenic ovariectomized rats, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Rema Razdan, D. Roy Mahapatra, J. Orthopaedic Sci., 19, Issue 4 (2014), Page 646-656.
Prophylactic Effects of Propranolol Versus Standard Therapy son a New Model of Disuse Osteoporosis in Rats, Khajuria DK, Disha C, Razdan R, Mahapatra DR, Vasireddi R, Sci Pharm, Scientia pharmaceutica, 2014, 82, 357.
Osteoprotective effect of propranolol in ovariectomized rats: a comparison with zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol, DK Khajuria, R Razdan, DR Mahapatra, MR Bhat, Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 18 (5), 832-842, 2013.
Improvement in Bone Properties by using Risedronate Adsorbed Hydroxyapatite Novel Nanoparticle Based Formulation in a Rat Model of Osteoporosis, Sahana, H.; Khajuria, Deepak Kumar, Razdan, Rema, Mahapatra D. Roy, Bhat M.R., Suresh, Sarasija, Rao, R. Ramachandr, Mariappan, L., Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 9(2), 193-201(9), 2013.
Comparative Evaluation of Zoledronic Acid, Alfacalcidol and Propranolol in Pharmacological Correction of Experimental Osteoporosis, Choudhary Disha, Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Rema Razdan, D Roy Mahapatra, MR Bhat, Indian Journal Of Pharmacology, 45, S171, 2013.
Novel Eudragit Coated Alloxan Nanoparticle Based Formulation For Inducing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Rats, DK Khajuria, S Joseph, R Razdan, DR Mahapatra, M Kachroo, R Pai, Indian Journal Of Pharmacology 45, S173-S173, 2013.
Comparative evaluation of zoledronic acid, alfacalcidol, and propranolol in pharmacological correction of experimental osteoporosis, Khajuria DK, Disha C, Razdan R, Mahapatra DR, Bhat MR, Latin Am. J. Pharm. 2013; 32: 968-976.
Influence of crack parameters on wavelet energy correlated damage index, MB Panchal, DR Mahapatra, Advances in Vibration Engineering 12 (3), 311-318, 2013.
Effect of length scale on mechanical properties of Al-Cu eutectic alloy, C.S. Tiwary, D.Roy Mahapatra, K. Chattopadhyay, Applied Physics Letter, 101(17), 171901, 2012.
Ultrasonic Lamb Wave Based Monitoring of Corrosion Type of Damage in Plate using a Circular Array of Piezoelectric Transducers, V.T. Rathod and D. Roy Mahapatra, NDT & E International 44(7), 628-636, 2011.
Drugs for the management of osteoporosis: A review, D.K. Khajuria, R. Razdan, D.Roy Mahapatra, Brazilian Journal of Rheumatology, 51(4), 365-82, 2011.
Characterization of cracks and delaminations using PWAS and Lamb wave based time-frequency methods, R. Gangadharan, C.R.L. Murthy, S. Gopalakrishnan, M.R. Bhat and D. Roy Mahapatra, Int. J. Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 3(4), 703-735, 2010.
Analysis of Dynamic Stability of Space Launch Vehicles under aerodynamic forces using CFD derived data, M. Trikha, S. Gopalakrishnan, D.Roy Mahapatra, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 2009.
Dynamic Instabilities in Slender Space Launch Vehicles under Propulsive Thrust and Aerodynamic Forces, M. Trikha, S. Gopalakrishnan, D.Roy Mahapatra and R.Pandiyan, Computer Modelling in Engineering and Sciences, 45, 97-140, 2009.
On the sensitivity of elastic waves due to structural damages: Time-frequency based indexing method, R. Gangadharan, D.Roy Mahapatra, S. Gopalakrishnan, C.R.L. Murthy, M.R. Bhat, J. Sound and Vibration, 320, 915-941, 2009.
Electrostatic measures for a piezoelectric thin film with an embedded crack in the substrate: II. Mode II, R. Ali, D.Roy Mahapatra and S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Materials and Structures, 17, 025038, 2008.
Electrostatic measures for a piezoelectric thin film with an embedded crack in the substrate: I. Mode I, R. Ali, D.Roy Mahapatra and S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Materials and Structures, 17, 025037, 2008.
Lamb wave characteristics of thickness-graded piezoelectric IDT, D Roy Mahapatra, A. Singhal and S. Gopalakrishnan, Ultrasonics, 43(9), 736-746, 2005.
Conference Papers
Nano-ceramic Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites for Enhanced Thermo-Mechanical Stability, Dakshayini B. Subbappa, Kishore B. Kancherla, Shashishekarayya R. Hiremath and Debiprosad Roy Mahapatra, International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures, 27-29th December 2017, Hyderabad, India
Optical diagnostics of osteoblast cells and osteogenic drug screening, Elayaraja Kolanti, Sarath C Veerla, Deepak K Khajuria, D Roy Mahapatra, SPIE BiOS, 2016. DOI : doi:10.1117/12.2217943
Fluorescence intensity enhancement mechanism in presence of plasmonic nanoparticles, Sumana Das, Brahmanandam Javvaji, Krishna H Villa, Akshata Arikady, Gopalkrishna M Hegde, DR Mahapatra, SPIE BiOS, 2016. DOI : doi:10.1117/12.2217940
Damage Detection Sensitivity, Specificity and Classification Data Analysis for SHM Systems Design, Verification and Validation, Ganesh K Geetha, Nitin B. Ravi, Nibir Chakraborty, Kishorekumar C Ukirde, G. S. Kamalakar, D. Roy Mahapatra, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2015 (IWSHM 2015), 1-3 September 2015, Stanford, USA . DOI : 10.12783/SHM2015/285
Uncertainty Quantification in Ultrasonic Wave based Detection of Delamination in Composite Structures,Rajendra Kumar Munian, D. Roy Mahapatra, Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2015 (IWSHM 2015), 1-3 September 2015, Stanford, USA . DOI : 10.12783/SHM2015/309
Ultrasonic Guided Wave based Damage Detection using Low-Dimensional Data from Laser Doppler Scan, Ganesh K Geetha, D. Roy Mahapatra, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2015 (IWSHM 2015), 1-3 September 2015, Stanford, USA . DOI : view
Plasmonic nanoparticle interaction with cell membrane for diagnostic applications, Sumana Das, Akshata Arikady, Ramakrishna Vasireddi, Krishna Harika Villa, Manish C Konnur, Gopalkrishna M Hegde, D Roy Mahapatra, SPIE BiOS,2015 March 2, Proc. SPIE 9310, Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems VII, 93100A (March 2, 2015), DOI : doi:10.1117/12.2082598.
Photonic monitoring of chitosan nanostructured alginate microcapsules for drug release, Deepak K Khajuria, Manish C Konnur, Ramakrishna Vasireddi, D Roy Mahapatra, SPIE BiOS,2015,Feburary 26, Proc. SPIE 9303, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XI, 93033V (February 26, 2015), DOI : doi:10.1117/12.2084966.
Detection of target DNA using photo-reactive protoporphyrin moeity on a nanocomposite substrate, S Das, M Mishra, R Vasireddi, DR Mahapatra, Proc. SPIE BiOS, 893308-893308-6, 2014.
Photonic hydrogel beads for controlled release of risedronate, DK Khajuria, DR Mahapatra, Proc. SPIE BiOS, 892640-892640-7, 2014.
Guided ultrasonic wave propagation through inaccessible damage in a folded plate using sensor-actuator network, GK Geetha, DR Mahapatra, S Gopalakrishnan, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials and NDE Conf., San Diego, California, USA, March 10, 2013, Proc. SPIE 8695, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2013, 86951J (April 17, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2010519.
Mechanism of Cell Lysis in Microfluidic Channel with Integrated Nanocomposite Electrodes, Madhusmita Mishra, Anil Krishna Koduri, Aman Chandra, Roy D Mahapatra, GM Hegde, 2nd ASME Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology, FEB 04-06, 2013, Boston, pp. 17-22.
Charge injection through nanocomposite electrode in microfluidic channel for electrical lysis of biological cells, M Mishra, A Krishna, A Chandra, BM Shenoy, GM Hegde, DR Mahapatra, SPIE BiOS, San Francisco, California, USA, February 02, 2013, Proc. SPIE 8570, Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems V, 85700R (March 5, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2012295.
Guided-wave based damage detection in a composite T-joint using 3D scanning laser Doppler vibrometer, Ganesh Kolappan Geetha; D. Roy Mahapatra; Gopalakrishnan Srinivasan, Proc. of SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 11-15 March, 2012. SPIE Proc. Vol 8348, DOI: 10.1117/12.917600, Published 8 May 2012.
Ultrasonic guided wave characterization and damage detection in foam-core sandwich panel using PWAS and LDV, Nibir Chakraborty, D. Roy Mahapatra; Gopalakrishnan Srinivasan, Proc. of SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 11-15 March, 2012. SPIE Proc. Vol 8348, DOI: 10.1117/12.917598, Published 8 May 2012.
pH Sensing by Single and Multi-Layer Hydrogel Coated Fiber Bragg Grating, B.N. Shivananju, Manish K. Priydarshi, D. Roy Mahapatra, G.M .Hegde and S. Asokan, Proceedings of the 2012 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors,8-10th March, 2012, Pune, India. IEEE Conf. Proc. 10.1109/ISPTS.2012.6260883, pp. 74-78, 2012.
Suppression of air bubble in microfluidic channel using electro-acoustic excitation, Harsh Vardhana, Manish Kumar Priydarshia, D Roy Mahapatra, and Gopalkrishna M Hegde, International Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems, Bangalore, India, January 04-07, 2012.
Use of a 3D-Laser Doppler Velocimetry and SHM of Delamination in T-Beams, S. Hanagud, R. Zaharieva, G. Kolappan Geetha, D. Roy Mahapatra and S. Gopalakrishnan, International Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems, Bangalore, India, January 04-07, 2012.
Force Measurement and Feedback Control of Pulsed Field Emission from Carbon Nanotube based Emitters for Electron Thruster Applications, Aman Chandra, Arvind Krishnaswamy, D. Roy Mahapatra, Space Transportation Symposium (STS2011), VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram, 16-18 Dec 2011. [Best Paper Award].
3D Laser Doppler Imaging of Lamb Wave Scattering due to Damage in a Flat Plate: An Investigation on the Guided Energy Modes, G. Kolappan Geetha, V.T. Rathod, N. Chakraborty, M. Fritzscheb, D. Roy Mahapatra, S. Hanagud, S. Gopalakrishnan, SMART 2011 Conf., Saarland University, Saarbr�cken, Germany, 6-8 July 2011.
A Carbon-Nanotube based Field Emission Cold Cathode for Electric Propulsion Systems, Arvind Krishnaswamy and D. Roy Mahapatra, National Conference on Electric Propulsion Systems, Bangalore, India, 23-24 February, 2011.
Lamb wave based detection of damage in a stiffener bonded to a plate, G. Kolappan Geetha, V. T. Rathod, D. Roy Mahapatra and S. Gopalakrishnan, Proc. of SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 6-10 March, 2011.
3D Laser Doppler Imaging of Lamb Wave Scattering due to Damage in a Flat Plate: An Investigation on the Guided Energy Modes, G. Kolappan Geetha, V.T. Rathod, N. Chakraborty, M. Fritzsche, D. Roy Mahapatra, S. Hanagud, S. Gopalakrishnan, 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conf. on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART’11), Fraunhofer IZFP, Saarbr�cken, Germany, July 6-8, 2011.
Field emission efficiency of a Carbon nanotubes array under parasitic nonlinearities, Sandeep V. Anand, D. Roy Mahapatra, Niraj Sinha, J.T.W Yeow, R.V.N. Melnik, ASME 2010 International Congress and Exposition, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Paper no. IMECE2010-39558.
Hydrodynamic energy harvesting using an Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite stack for underwater applications, Arvind Krishnaswamy and D. Roy Mahapatra, ASME 2010 International Congress and Exposition, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Paper no. IMECE2010-39549.
Effect of Core-shell structure of hydrogel beads on the threshold concentration of water for swelling and its pH sensitivity, Joly Bhadra, Pramod K. Nampoothiri, Kamlesh J. Suthar, D. Roy Mahapatra, ASME 2010 International Congress and Exposition, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Paper no. IMECE2010-39583.
Detailed studies on the formation of piezoelectric β-phase of PVDF at different hot-stretching conditions, Anjana Jain, Jayanth Kumar S., D. Roy Mahapatra, H. H Kumar, Proc. SPIE Smart Structures and NDE Conf., Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2010.
A Comparative Study of Degradation and Regenerative Phenomena in Ag and Carbon Nanoparticle Coated Ionic-Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC) Membrane, K. Arvind, P. Bharat, S.V. Anand and D. Roy Mahapatra, Fuel Cell Technologies Conf., Mumbai, 11-13 Nov, 2009.
Overview of Aerospace Structures Research in India, B. Dattaguru, D. Roy Mahapatra, 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conf., Palm Springs, California, May 4-7, 2009, AIAA-2009-2391.
High resolution surface imaging using a carbon nanotube array with pointed height distribution, D. Roy Mahapatra, S.V. Anand, N. Sinha and R.V.N Melnik, NSTI Nanotech-2009 Conference, May 3-7, 2009, Houston, USA, CRC Press, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1786-5, 1, 310-313, 2009.
Stabilizing a pulsed field emission from an array of carbon nanotubes, D. Roy Mahapatra, S.V Anand, N. Sinha and R.V.N Melnik, SPIE Nanoscience and Engineering Conference, 2-6 August, 2009, San Diego, California, USA, 7399, 73990M, 2009.
Energy harvesting using Ag nanoparticle coated ionic polymer-metal composites, S. V Anand, P. Bharath, K. Arvind, N. Chakraborty, B. Ahish and D. Roy Mahapatra, IISc Centenary International Conference and Exhibition on Aerospace Engineering ICEAE 2009, 18-22 May, 2009, Bangalore, India.
Strain Dependant Memory Effect in the Effective Resistance of Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Polymer Nanocomposites, Sandeep Anand, Rejin Isaac and D. Roy Mahapatra, Proceedings of the 53rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Mumbai, India, vol. 53, C129, 481-482, 2008.
Role of residual stress and micro-cracks on the electrical resistivity of Si/SiO2/TiO2/Pt/PZTx-PMN(1-x) Multilayer Thin Film, N. Chakraborty, D. Roy Mahapatra and S. Sen, EMIT08 Int. Conf. Emerging Microelectronics and Interconnection Technologies, Dec 15-18, 2008.
A structural health monitoring system using a Lamb wave sensor network and a wavelet energy correlation technique, M.B. Panchal, S.S. Chenagani, D. Roy Mahapatra, S. Gopalakrishnan and M.R. Bhat, Proc. ISSS Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems, July 24-26, 2008, Bangalore, India. Paper no. ISSS-2008/P-111.
Ultrasonic signal sensitivity due to crack parameters and computational approach based on wavelet energy correlated damage index, M. Panchal, D. Roy Mahapatra, S. Gopalakrishnan and M.R. Bhat, AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA-2008-2013, Schaumburg, IL, April 7-10, 2008.
Influence of combustion coupled follower force and mass sensitivity on launch vehicle stability, M. Trikha, S. Gopalakrishnan, D. Roy Mahapatra and R. Pandiyan, AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA-2008-2023, Schaumburg, IL, April 7-10, 2008.
Damage characterization using PWAS and time-frequency signal analysis, R. Gangadharan, S. Gopalakrishnan, D. Roy Mahapatra, C.R.L. Murhy and M.R. Bhat, Review of Progresses in Quantitative NDE, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, July 22-27, 2007.
Multi-Mode Phonon-Controlled Field Emission from Carbon Nanotubes: Modeling and Experiments, N. Sinha, D. Roy Mahapatra, J.T.W. Yeow and R.V.N. Melnik, IEEE Nano 2007 Conf., Hong Kong, Aug 2-5, 2007.
Theoretical and experimental characterization of self-assembly and evolution in carbon nanotube thin film during field emission, N. Sinha, D. Roy Mahapatra, J.T.W. Yeow, R.V.N. Melnik and D.A. Jaffray, IEEE-Nano2006, Cincinnati, July 16-20, 2006.
Experimental studies toward the development of a structural health monitoring system using damage force indicator, A.K. Rao, M. Kumar, D. Roy Mahapatra, S. Gopalakrishnan and M.S. Bhat, Proc. ISSS 2005 International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, pp. SB-171-178, Bangalore, India, July 28-30, 2005.
Aerodynamic force measurements on apex angle blunt cones flying at Mach 5.75 using a 3-component accelerometer balance. N. Sahoo, D. Roy Mahapatra, G. Jagadeesh, S. Gopalakrishnan and K.P.J. Reddy, AIAA/AAAF 11th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Orleans, France, Sept. 29-Oct 4., 2002, AIAA-2002-5204.